5 Everyday Ice-creams

When you think of long summer days, what do you think of? No I don’t mean the beach, I’m talking about ice-cream! That deliciously refreshing food that makes hot summer days seem so much cooler. Traditional ice-cream however is full of dairy fat and sugar so I have come up with some healthy, vegan, low […]
Food Prep and Menu Planning

By Laura Zavadil RD, LDN Menu planning is an important skill in keeping yourself and your family eating healthfully all year round. It takes some practice, patience and time, but it will certainly be worth your while. Try these tips: Use the weekend to plan out each day’s meals; taking into account your […]
Training Ballerinas with bootybarre Sliders

Hey there! Here’s another little installment on using bootybarre to improve your dancers technique. Sliders is the newest bootybarre “toy” introduced to my students, and they absolutely love it. Even though they find it extremely challenging, they also are finding it to be a ton of fun! What’s wonderful about sliders is how you can’t […]
Kelsey’s Winter Cold Killing Elixir

Kelsey’s secret weapon to fighting off the common cold during chilly winter months is an elixir she has developed over the past couple years. The blend of natural ingredients is high in antioxidants and antibacterial agents that make for a power-packed punch to help boost her immune system, keeping the dreaded cold at bay. […]